Meaning of (अस्थाई न्यायाधिकारी) asthaee nyayadhikaree,asthai nyayadhikari in english
As noun :
judge Ex:  Mr.Prasad is a forceful speaker.
The lawyer with his forceful arguements could convince the judge about the
innocence of the accused.
The lawyer with his forceful arguements could convince the judge about the
innocence of the accused.
Suggested : a public officer authorized to hear and decide cases in a court of law a magistrate charged with the administration of justice
Word of the day
(अस्थाई न्यायाधिकारी) asthaee nyayadhikaree,asthai nyayadhikari
can be used as noun.. No of characters: 19 including vowels consonants matras.
Transliteration :
asthaaii nyaayaadhikaarii